Not Having Fun
When we notice that we aren’t having fun, we have 3 options.
Option 1 is to soldier on and keep doing it anyway. What this option fails to take into account is the consequences of lowering our energy, aliveness, and enthusiasm. When this happens, life becomes so much harder. Productivity and effectiveness decrease. And, we make it almost impossible to get what we really want because what we put out there is what comes back to us (the law of attraction).
Option 2 is to stop doing it. And, there are a lot of things that it would benefit us to stop doing. And, there are also things that would be very beneficial for us to do – which brings us to Option 3.
Option 3 is to figure out how to make whatever it is that we are doing fun.
An easy and reliable way to make something more fun is to turn it into a game. Can I get the dishes done in under 10 minutes? How many phone calls can I make in the next half hour? Can I figure out what this person needs and how I can serve him or her? Etc.
Another useful tool is to ask ourselves, “What do I need to let go of, in order to make this fun?” When we ask a question like that, and then sit quietly for a minute, we will get an answer.
If it is not fun, you probably cannot afford to do it. (Think about that for a minute!)
Much love,
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photo credit: Rob Sheridan via photopin cc
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