Who are you looking at?

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Who are you looking at?  So often we end up looking outside of ourselves rather than inside of ourselves. This causes us to think and say things like ~ I’ll be happy when my sweetie gives me more attention. I’ll be happy when they stop doing that. I’ll be happy when I’m making more money. […]

I believe in you

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I believe in you  Most people have learned to not believe in themselves. And, they learned this by accident through life experiences (no one sets out to not believe in themselves). Next time you catch yourself in this frame of mind, sit down quietly for a couple of minutes and imagine person after person telling […]

Unpayable parking ticket

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Unpayable parking ticket  I often see that one of the major issues (head trash) holding people back is guilt (and almost everybody has some). We need to deal with that in order to set them free to move forward. Because, how can a person be rewarded, how can good come in, if he or she […]

But what about me

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But what about me  The “what about me” attitude is so common in our world. Any time that we are in this thinking, we are in scarcity thinking. When we also look out for the interests of others, we automatically embrace abundance. Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke […]

Tours of meaning

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Tours of meaning  In Shawn Achor’s new book, Big Potential, he tells the story of how he was doing a training with the White House staff towards the end of the Obama Administration. The staff members were burned out, tired, and facing the uncertainty of what comes next because the new President (regardless of who […]

Don’t make the impersonal personal

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Don’t make the impersonal personal    When someone treats us poorly, it is very easy to take that personally. Most of the time though, it isn’t personal. That’s just how that person does life. If they weren’t treating us poorly, they’d be treating someone else poorly. It just seems personal because we are there and […]

Dealing with circumstances

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Dealing with circumstances  We all get to deal with unpleasant circumstances from time to time. However, we have a choice as to how we deal with these circumstances. We can go into a victim mode and lament about how unfair it is that this happened to me. This path has lots of pain and suffering […]

Asking and getting

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Asking and getting  Asking and getting can often become emotionally messy for people. We ask for what we want and then we don’t get it and we pout, or feel hurt, or decide that we will never ask again, or . . . What we need to do is pull asking and getting apart and […]

Correction or punishment

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Correction or punishment  Most of us, if not all of us, have experienced punishment in our lives. The message was clear – we were bad or wrong and needed to be punished. And, a lot of this probably happened in childhood which served to condition us towards a punishment viewpoint. This can lead to us […]

Tarnished vs broken

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Tarnished vs broken  A very common trap that people fall into is thinking that they are bad or wrong or broken or need to be fixed. This means that they believe that something is wrong with them at a fundamental level of their being. This perspective is inaccurate and very damaging. Imagine a silver platter […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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