You are pretty good  

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You are pretty good  I recently had someone tell me that I’m a pretty good volleyball player. That made me think – compared to what? Compared to backyard BBQ jungle ball players, I’m amazing. Compared to the guys on the Olympic team, I’m horrible. I’m a better player than some of the guys that I […]

The power of little things

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The power of little things  We often underestimate the power of little things like – a smile, a kind word, a prayer, a pat on the back, listening, a phone call just to say “thinking of you” etc. Since we underestimate the power of these things, it makes it easy to not bother to do […]


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Self-Confidence  Many people would like to be more confident. From my experience and observation nothing builds confidence more than recognizing what we did or the result we produced. Saying, “I did that!” is incredibly affirming, nourishing and, builds both capacity and confidence. However, most of us have been taught some nonsense about “don’t toot your […]

I’m OK so give the glory away

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I’m OK so give the glory away  Project CURE had its volunteer appreciation lunch today where Millie, Barb, and Dave received the Lifetime Achievement Award for over 10,000 volunteer hours (and I’m sure they have a lot more hours of service than that). First of all, how amazing is that! 10,000+ hours devoted to kindness, […]

You choose the movies of your life

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You choose the movies of your life  The movie I choose to watch will determine my experience and how I feel. A comedy will make me laugh. A horror flick will make me scared. A romantic movie might make me cry. Etc. So, what are the movies that we play in our heads? If I […]

Who are you looking at?

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Who are you looking at?  So often we end up looking outside of ourselves rather than inside of ourselves. This causes us to think and say things like ~ I’ll be happy when my sweetie gives me more attention. I’ll be happy when they stop doing that. I’ll be happy when I’m making more money. […]

Proactive self defense   

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Proactive self defense       If we know we are going to be in an environment or situation that has a high likelihood of being unpleasant or even hostile, then proactive self defense is a wise move. In the days before hand: Send love repeatedly to all the parties involved. Pray for them. Set […]

I believe in you

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I believe in you  Most people have learned to not believe in themselves. And, they learned this by accident through life experiences (no one sets out to not believe in themselves). Next time you catch yourself in this frame of mind, sit down quietly for a couple of minutes and imagine person after person telling […]

You DO NOT need to be fixed

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You DO NOT need to be fixed  One of the biggest lies that mass consciousness tells us is that we need to be fixed. This is a lie!!! We are not broken. Sure, there are areas where we can upgrade. After all, there is always up from here. And, there is a huge difference in […]

The dilemma of asking for referrals

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The dilemma of asking for referrals  Oftentimes reluctance to ask for referrals comes from our need for approval and not fully owning our value. The head trash behind this goes something like this: If I really was good enough, then people would just naturally refer me. So, if I have to ask, that must mean […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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