Step 1 in transformation

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Step 1 in transformation The first step in transforming any area of our lives is to first be grateful for what we already have. If we are not grateful, we are almost certain to be in resistance, scarcity, or self-condemnation. These things push us in the wrong direction. They move us away from transformation and […]

What defines people?

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What defines people? What comes into people – circumstances, influences, other people – does not define them. What comes out of people does define them. Much Love, Jonathan photo credit: PeterThoeny <a href=”″>It’s bright out there</a> via <a href=””>photopin</a> <a href=””>(license)</a>

Putting out fires vs. taking care of business

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Putting Out Fires vs. Taking Care of Business We will have stuff come up in our lives – the flat tires, the appliances that need replacing, the sick kid who rearranges your schedule, unforeseen urgencies that demand time, attention, and resources . . . These things will happen. But, we get to choose how we […]

Impossible To Do Better Than Our Thinking Will Allow

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Impossible To Do Better Than Our Thinking Will Allow It is impossible to do better than our thinking will allow. We cannot out-perform our self-image, who we think we are. Our self-image sets the limits for what is possible for us. However, we can upgrade our self-image which then expands our capacity to do better. […]

What is important to you?

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What is important to you? What is important to you? Perhaps the best way to answer this question is to look at how we spend our time. Sometimes we think something is important to us but when we look at how we spend our time, we see that we are not spending too much time […]

Measuring Your Worth as a Human Being

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Measuring Your Worth   as a Human Being We use situations and circumstances to define our worth as human beings. This is crazy but we all do it. Measuring Your Worth As A Human Being Much Love, Jonathan p.s. 10 minute laser coaching sessions available Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke […]

Your Chief Safety Officer

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Your Chief Safety Officer The amygdala is our chief safety officer. It is a part of our brain and its job is to keep us safe. The amygdala considers anything that is unknown, uncertain, or unfamiliar to be unsafe. When we encounter something that is unknown, uncertain, or unfamiliar, our amygdalas tell us to run […]

I’ve been working on the railroad

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I’ve Been Working on the Railroad Imagine working on a railroad crew back in the days when they were building the first transcontinental railway. The engineers and the surveyors knew where the railroad was going and what was up ahead. But for the vast majority of the workers, the job was just to lay that […]

Ideal and real

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Ideal and Real We create a lot of suffering when we confuse real with ideal. In an ideal world, we would be 100% on the same page with our significant other. In an ideal world, our business partner wouldn’t be in competition with us. In an ideal world, we would have great support and approval […]

Self-condemnation is not a strategy for improvement

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Self-Condemnation is not a Strategy for Improvement Self-condemnation never has been nor ever will be a strategy for doing better or improving performance and results.  However, self-condemnation runs rampant in our world. Pay attention today to how many times you say something negative to yourself. Then notice that each time we do that, it saps […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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