Drifting along like a tumbling tumbleweed Tumbleweeds go wherever the wind decides to take them. They just drift. If we don’t know what matters most and where we want to go and then if we don’t have a plan and act around that plan – then we become human tumbleweeds. We just drift. And, the […]
If you were to talk yourself out of something . . .
Gratitude isn’t just a good idea
Gratitude isn’t just a good idea I know. I know. We have all heard about gratitude a million times. But it is such a powerful force and we can activate it at any time. And, positive change is almost impossible without gratitude. When we are not grateful for what we already have, then we are […]
Stress Dust
The habit of worry
The habit of worry Worry is such a damaging habit and it doesn’t do anything beneficial for us. Here are two great questions that we can use when we catch ourselves worrying: What can I do about this? And then get into action. Action can change things. Worry never can. And if there isn’t anything […]
Kind of open for business
Already validated
Already validated Imagine parking in a garage and then going to a restaurant that validates your parking. Then imagine that every couple of minutes you go to the hostess stand and check if you are still validated. That would be pretty silly. A much better plan would be to relax, enjoy your dinner, and trust […]
Willingness to make a difference???
Willingness to make a difference??? There are so many little things that we can do every day to make a difference in someone’s life. The question then is: are we willing to make the extra effort, take the extra minute, and look for the opportunities to make a difference? The opportunities to contribute are just […]
Resistance made simple
Resistance made simple When we are experiencing resistance, there is a 100% chance that we are telling ourselves some sort of uninspiring lousy story. If we upgrade the story, the resistance either goes away or decreases significantly. When we use resistance to uncover our limiting stories, then resistance becomes our ally. It helps us to […]