Emotional creatures We are emotional creatures, not logical creatures. Our emotions run the show. Last week was a weird food week. Nothing tasted good or was filling. I ate more and more often than usual. And, I ate less healthy than usual. My thoughts about getting back on track and my attempts to use will […]
Control and influence
Control and influence There are lots of things that are outside of our control ~ circumstances, coincidences, other people’s behaviors, etc. Even though all these things are outside of our control, they are not necessarily outside of our influence. There are things we can do to make circumstances and coincidences more likely or less likely. […]
Flip that switch
Flip that switch I see this fairly regularly: A person thinks, “I need a break.” Then their actions start to become very ineffective, things keep falling apart, setbacks keep occurring, etc. They end up getting the break they said they needed but not the rest and recharge because they are flailing around in ineffective action. […]
A matter of focus
A matter of focus It seems pretty simple – focus on what we want instead of what we don’t want. However, people tend to spend a lot of time focusing on what they don’t want which creates stress, heaviness, anxiety, discouragement, tiredness, overwhelm, burnout, unhappiness and… Knowing what we do not want is very useful […]
Counter intent
Money and guilt and inaccurate thinking
Leadership and communication
Leadership and communication It does not matter what we say until we have taken care of how we say it. Any communication that we deliver with a charge, with anger or frustration, or with negative judgment most likely won’t be received the way we want it to be received. Instead, that person will react to […]
You don’t know who you are
You don’t know who you are Most people do not know who they are. When we know (not conceptually or intellectually but whole heartedly) who we are we have peace, trust, joy, worthiness, belonging, love in our hearts . . . Instead, people have believed lies about who they are – lies of insufficiency, unworthiness, […]
Incongruent A friend of mine was recently betrayed. Consequently, he’s experiencing a lot of angry thoughts and revenge oriented thoughts. In talking with him today, he wanted to know how to get past those thoughts. One of the ideas I mentioned is that thinking and feeling that way is completely incongruent with who he wants […]