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Loved  What would be the impact of truly getting that you are loved – fully, unconditionally, beautifully? You are! Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke to you, forward it to someone who would benefit from this message. Even better, invite them to subscribe. Help me in my mission […]

Do what you can

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Do what you can  I was the sort team leader for about 20 new volunteers at Project CURE today. (Project CURE is the world’s biggest distributor of donated medical supplies and an amazing non-profit organization.) Our job was to sort boxes filled with all sorts of medical supplies into 140 different bins like IV start […]

We see what we expect to see

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We see what we expect to see  So often we see what we expect to see, rather than what is actually there. I remember the first time I went to Panera Bread. I went to get a glass of ice water. I filled my glass with ice and then started looking for the little water […]

Baby great white shark

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Baby great white shark  A baby great white shark is still a great white shark. It doesn’t become a great white after it has grown to a certain size. The other day, a client couldn’t fully own that he is a world changer. I asked him what it would take to fully own that. He […]


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Curator  The word “curator” popped into my head the other day. A curator is a person tasked with the care and superintendence of something. Usually this title is used for the person in charge of a valuable exhibit or collection, like at a museum. The stuff that is going on inside our heads can be […]

Getting indignant

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Getting indignant  If I started spreading nasty lies about you every chance I got, you’d probably get upset with me, get mad at me, and even get indignant about how I dare to do that. So how come we tolerate that little voice that is spreading nasty lies about ourselves to ourselves. What if we […]

Pavlov’s Dog and Our Brains

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Pavlov’s Dog and Our Brains  Pavlov and his dog are a famous psychology experiment about stimulus – response loops. Pavlov would ring the bell and then feed the dog and he kept repeating this. Soon the dog became conditioned to expect that when the bell rang, he would be fed. As soon as the bell […]

Discomfort = the price of your ticket

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Discomfort = the price of your ticket  Average performers run away from discomfort. Above average performers take action in the face of discomfort. So, for most people, the work to be done is to start to embrace discomfort – to start to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. If mediocrity is the goal then we don’t […]

Thinking about action

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Thinking about action  When we are sitting around thinking about being in action, then Providence is thinking about possibly sending us some assistance too. When we are in action, then Providence moves too. Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke to you, forward it to someone who would benefit […]

Won’t do vs. can do

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Won’t do vs. can do  So often it comes down to – what are we focusing on. Are we focusing on the things that we won’t do, and stressing about them, feeling guilty about them, beating ourselves up about them? Or are we focusing on what we can do and then doing that? Actually doing […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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