True and Truth It might be true that ~ a person’s business is struggling a person made a bad decision a person has debt a person is over weight a person made a mistake a person is confused a person is under-performing and a thousand other examples But that is not the truth about that […]
The cost of envy
The cost of envy We cannot have what we envy. Envy is scarcity consciousness. Envy is saying, “that is for other people but not for me.” Instead we ought to be excited for others, celebrate their wins and successes, be happy for them, be grateful that such good exists in our world. Thinking that way […]
Supported??? Lots of people have head trash about not being supported. And undoubtedly there are/were specific incidents where they were not supported and specific individuals didn’t support them. However, we are being supported 99.9% of the time. We have so much support in our lives that we take for granted – air, water, food, shelter, […]
Yeah but – how am I going to do that?
Power of Kindness
Power of Kindness Think a minute about the power of kindness and how we have the choice to be kind, to be the deliverers of kindness. We cannot know the numbers for sure but, how many people’s lives might have been turned around if they had only received kindness and understanding. Bullies, violent offenders, murderers, […]
Just one little step
Already winning at life
Already winning at life So often when people think about doing better, they automatically make themselves wrong for being where they are at. Then they create pressure and stress around having to do better. When we step out of our own lives for a moment and take an objective look, we can easily see that […]
Love not judgment
Love not judgment Nobody needs more judgment. Many people need more love. People need our love not our judgment. Loving others helps us to be kinder to ourselves. And being kinder to ourselves helps us to love others more. More love, less judgment. Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose […]