Resignation and small dreams

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Resignation and small dreams  Over time, many (if not most) people start to dream smaller. They have lived some years, tried some things, had some hopes and dreams, and enthusiastic starts – but, they have not had that breakthrough, they haven’t hit that home run, they haven’t created that success they hoped for. And consequently, […]

Communication and Attention

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Communication and Attention  I know a guy and every time he talks, I end up tuning out. No matter how hard I try, I cannot stay with him. And, he talks about some topics that I am very interested in. What I’ve noticed is that when he talks, even though he wants to share his […]

Being a purple cow

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Being a purple cow  I had a conversation today with some friends about follow up that reminded me of Seth Godin’s book, Purple Cow, that came out in 2003. The book in a nutshell is: After you’ve seen a bunch of cows, you stop paying attention. But if you saw a purple cow, you’d start […]

Escaping the double bind

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Escaping the double bind    A double bind is a situation where neither option is desirable, either way we lose. Our thinking often puts us into double binds. I can either be a good parent or have a successful career. This double bind has me choosing between being a bad father or being a bad […]

Experiences Create Expectations

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Experiences Create Expectations  Our expectations are often based on what we have experienced. And, this process tends to happen automatically and non-consciously rather than intentionally. So, we don’t even know that we have these expectations. This dynamic then often has us get in our own way because we create limiting self-fulfilling prophecies. For example, ~ […]

You are pretty good  

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You are pretty good  I recently had someone tell me that I’m a pretty good volleyball player. That made me think – compared to what? Compared to backyard BBQ jungle ball players, I’m amazing. Compared to the guys on the Olympic team, I’m horrible. I’m a better player than some of the guys that I […]

The power of little things

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The power of little things  We often underestimate the power of little things like – a smile, a kind word, a prayer, a pat on the back, listening, a phone call just to say “thinking of you” etc. Since we underestimate the power of these things, it makes it easy to not bother to do […]


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Self-Confidence  Many people would like to be more confident. From my experience and observation nothing builds confidence more than recognizing what we did or the result we produced. Saying, “I did that!” is incredibly affirming, nourishing and, builds both capacity and confidence. However, most of us have been taught some nonsense about “don’t toot your […]

I’m OK so give the glory away

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I’m OK so give the glory away  Project CURE had its volunteer appreciation lunch today where Millie, Barb, and Dave received the Lifetime Achievement Award for over 10,000 volunteer hours (and I’m sure they have a lot more hours of service than that). First of all, how amazing is that! 10,000+ hours devoted to kindness, […]

The elephant in the personal growth room

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The elephant in the personal growth room  The thing that does not get spoken about in personal growth circles is that being a human is a very complicated thing. It can be hard. There are so many non-conscious agendas and emotional hot buttons pushing and pulling us that we often end up in our own […]

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