Life’s job is to teach us what we need to learn and or let go of in order to live our most magnificent amazing life. And, life is relentless at doing its job – you can count on it that life will show you where you are in your own way.
So here’s the thing – so often instead of looking inside and seeing where we get to learn and grow and realizing that life is our ally, we look outside and blame. Then we say things like ~ my life would be perfect if that person would quit doing that or even better, disappear.
Even if that person does disappear, life will do its job spectacularly and bring that same dynamic back into your life so that you have another chance to learn and grow. And, life will repeat this process as many times as is necessary. Life is simply using that person to help you grow and learn.
When your button is getting pushed, it is important to remember that it is YOUR button. Or as Dr Hew Len of Ho’opono pono is fond of saying, “Did you ever notice that whenever there is a problem, you are there?”
The best way to not get your button pushed is to do the personal growth work necessary to remove that button.
So in the long run, the easy path is to look discomfort in the face and ask yourself, “What is there for me to learn here? How can I grow? Or, What is there for me to let go of?”
Much love,
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photo credit: Daniel Y. Go via photopin cc
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