Noblesse Oblige

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Noblesse Oblige  Noblesse oblige is an old phrase that means, nobility obliges. People of a high rank have an obligation to behave generously, honorably, and responsibly. This sounds like a pretty great way for all people to live. Too bad so many don’t. From my limited understanding of the Equifax security breach, it sure doesn’t […]

Inner Attorney

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Inner Attorney  What would happen if we fired our inner attorney – you know that guy or gal inside of us who starts building a big dramatic case as soon as someone doesn’t behave the way we think they should. The attorney is amazing at coming up with all kinds of reasons why we are […]

I Owe I Owe so off to work I go

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I Owe I Owe so off to work I go  People often get trapped in situations because they think that they owe somebody something and therefore they are not free to move on. “I cannot quit this job and move on to something better because I owe the company. They took a chance on me […]

Choosing sides

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Choosing sides  A very simple yet powerful thing we can do to shift perspectives, moods, expectations, fields of attraction, thoughts and more is to choose which side we are on. And, the words “I agree” help us to do this. For example: I disagree with confusion. I agree to clarity. I disagree with scarcity. I […]

Super frustrating

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Super frustrating  I’m not sure if there is anything more frustrating than doing what seems to be all the right things but not getting the results that you should be getting or that others are getting. This can just about drive a person crazy. But there is more to this than just what we are […]

What are we saying “yes” to?

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What are we saying “yes” to?  We are always saying “yes” to something. Yes to scarcity, yes to limitation, yes to frustration, etc. or yes to plenty, yes to potential and growth and change, yes to peace, etc. What are you consistently saying “yes” to? Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this […]

Kindergarten compassion or PhD compassion

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Kindergarten compassion or PhD compassion  It is relatively easy to have compassion when a natural disaster strikes or when a tragedy hits people that we don’t know. And hey, compassion is a great response to those sorts of things. And, that’s the kindergarten level of compassion. It is easy. But what about those situations where […]

Hurt for people rather than  be hurt by people

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Hurt for people rather than be hurt by people   Life is way easier when we give up getting hurt by people and instead hurt for them. One way of doing this is by remembering that it is not about me and then giving them the benefit of the doubt, “they must be having a […]


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Forgiveness  We all know that we are supposed to forgive. But, many still choose to hang on to grudges, hurts, slights, being disrespected, being wronged, etc. Let’s look at the consequences of hanging on to that junk: We cannot be upset and happy at the same time. So, any time that we spend being upset […]

Bruises heal

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Bruises heal  Imagine having a big bruise and several times a day you give it a hard poke. Even though our bodies know how to heal, this bruise won’t go away because we keep rebruising the bruise. We have all been bruised by life and the people in our lives. But, bruises heal – when […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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