How to make darkness flee

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How to make darkness flee  Darkness always runs away from gratitude and thankfulness. Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke to you, forward it to someone who would benefit from this message. Even better, invite them to subscribe. Help me in my mission to help people to do better […]

Son or daughter of the king

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Son or daughter of the king  Imagine that you were the son or daughter of the king in olden days – a much loved king. You’d move through life with a certain confidence and assurance, with grace and strength. You wouldn’t hesitate to ask for what you want. (All this in a kind and graceful […]

Essential vs frivolous

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Essential vs frivolous  How much of our lives is filled with essential things rather than frivolous things ~ activities, relationships, possessions, time thieves, and even desires. What would happen if we let go of the frivolous and hold on to the essential? Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke […]

Two sentence life strategy

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Two sentence life strategy  Be kind! Be grateful! Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke to you, forward it to someone who would benefit from this message. Even better, invite them to subscribe. Help me in my mission to help people to do better and to live better. Thanks! […]

Stabbed by darkness

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Stabbed by darkness  Imagine a cartoony sort of image where a dark character stabs someone and then a beam of bright light comes out of that hole. The dark character stabs again and another beam of light comes out. This happens a few more times until the dark character is blinded by the light and […]

Power of Kindness

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Power of Kindness  Think a minute about the power of kindness and how we have the choice to be kind, to be the deliverers of kindness. We cannot know the numbers for sure but, how many people’s lives might have been turned around if they had only received kindness and understanding. Bullies, violent offenders, murderers, […]

Already winning at life

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Already winning at life  So often when people think about doing better, they automatically make themselves wrong for being where they are at. Then they create pressure and stress around having to do better. When we step out of our own lives for a moment and take an objective look, we can easily see that […]


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Curator  The word “curator” popped into my head the other day. A curator is a person tasked with the care and superintendence of something. Usually this title is used for the person in charge of a valuable exhibit or collection, like at a museum. The stuff that is going on inside our heads can be […]

This too shall pass

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This too shall pass  “This too shall pass.” These are important words to remember to help us maintain perspective and peace of mind. The low energy state we are in – this too shall pass. The slump – this too shall pass. The hurt and heart break – this too shall pass. The high energy […]

Upset is upset no matter what  

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Upset is upset no matter what  Here’s a simple question ~ Is life good or enjoyable when you are upset? No matter how good our reason is for being upset, no matter how justified we are in our minds for being upset ~ being upset causes us to suffer. Life is not good when we […]

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