The ease of kindness

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The Ease of Kindness It is so easy to be kind, to smile, to give a little attention. And, it makes such a difference. And, it is amazing that more people don’t do it more often. Image our world if more people did this more often. And, more people starts with you and I. Much […]

Intentions and support

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Intentions and support  Intentions are great. But, if we don’t have the right systems and plans in place to support those intentions, there’s a darn good chance we will get knocked off track and sabotage our intentions. Here is an easy example – if I have the intention to eat healthy but don’t have good […]

Bounce house of goals,  dreams, and visions

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Bounce house of goals, dreams, and visions  Imagine getting an inflatable bounce house for a kid’s party but then not inflating it. There won’t be any bouncing going on. But once we inflate it, the fun begins. Because of life experiences, things not turning out the way we hoped and planned, and various struggles – […]

Quit deserving. Start allowing.

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Quit deserving. Start allowing.  Any time that we have thoughts about worthy or deserving, there’s a 100% chance that we are caught up in some head trash. Imagine sitting in a coffee shop furiously wondering if you deserve to get a cup of coffee. Do you need to get someone’s approval first? Is it possible […]

Unconscious Permission

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Unconscious Permission  When we dream big, take bold action, act courageously, stretch ourselves, and shine brightly – we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. However, if we do these same things without love, without seeing the amazing in others, then we are saying that this is only for special people like me and […]

Who are you looking at?

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Who are you looking at?  So often we end up looking outside of ourselves rather than inside of ourselves. This causes us to think and say things like ~ I’ll be happy when my sweetie gives me more attention. I’ll be happy when they stop doing that. I’ll be happy when I’m making more money. […]

Brighten that room

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Brighten that room  I heard a great phrase today ~ Are you the kind of person where the energy goes up when you enter the room or are you the kind of person where the energy goes up when you leave the room? We can all choose to be that person who brightens any room […]

It is not about the words

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It is not about the words  Sure, words matter. And, the energy and mindset behind the words communicate far more than the actual words. For example, if I say some encouraging words like “we can do this” but I am coming from “people are idiots and they need to be managed or else they will […]

Coming from love???

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Coming from love???  Any time that we think and or act in a way that creates offense, discouragement, or disappointment, it is a sure thing that we are not interacting with people from a place of love. And then we all lose. Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke […]

But what about me

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But what about me  The “what about me” attitude is so common in our world. Any time that we are in this thinking, we are in scarcity thinking. When we also look out for the interests of others, we automatically embrace abundance. Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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