Resistance made simple When we are experiencing resistance, there is a 100% chance that we are telling ourselves some sort of uninspiring lousy story. If we upgrade the story, the resistance either goes away or decreases significantly. When we use resistance to uncover our limiting stories, then resistance becomes our ally. It helps us to […]
Upstream adjustments
Upstream adjustments A friend of mine has a sign on his refrigerator, “Abs are made in the kitchen”. That’s a great reminder to delay gratification and to support him in making the choices that are congruent with his health and fitness goals. There is also an upstream adjustment that can be made, “Abs are made […]
What are we waiting for???
Average is okay???
Simple math for personal growth
Simple math for personal growth A (action) + Me = R (results) Most people’s “me” is filled with negative thoughts and other limitations which makes the results they want to achieve impossible to achieve. We simply must do the personal growth work necessary to let go of limitations and expand possibility if we want to […]
The other ADD ~ Action Deficit Disorder
The other ADD ~ Action Deficit Disorder Many people suffer from the other ADD. They are not in enough action to create the results and outcomes that they want. Action Deficit Disorder ~ When there is an opportunity to do something that could change us for the better we end up procrastinating, hesitating, or avoiding. […]
Brutality of disappointment
Brutality of disappointment Many times, there are potential action items that we are uncomfortable doing. We can make it easier to do these things when we get honest with ourselves about how painful it is to be disappointed in ourselves. When we don’t do the thing(s) that would move us forward, we end up feeling […]
Give Energy
Resolutions, Commitment, and New Beginnings
Resolutions, Commitment, and New Beginnings It is January 1st. Change is in the air. People are optimistic about new beginnings and different ways of doing life. Commitments have been made. And . . . the optimism and the change won’t last unless they are accompanied by some deeper work. Our behaviors are driven by our […]
The Illusion of the Balanced Life
The Illusion of the Balanced Life People cause themselves all kinds of stress because they compare themselves to an illusionary standard – the illusion that there is such a thing as a perfectly balanced life. There’s no such thing! Life is a dynamic thing with many moving parts. And at any given time, many of […]