It really is about me

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It really is about me People often get tripped up around the idea that it is not okay to have it be about me. This can prevent people from asking for help, receiving assistance, and going for it. And this is a bunch of garbage. It is okay to be about me. In fact, it […]


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Memories Anne and I attended Sweet & Lucky earlier tonight (Denver Center for the Performing Arts largest immersive show to date). The performance’s theme is memory and memories. From the playbill, “Our memories shape who we are. There are moments that we want to remember forever, and those we cannot seem to forget. As we […]

Being present by projecting into the future

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Being present by projecting into the future Be present. Be here now. Live in the present. We’ve heard this wise advice many times in many ways. Interestingly enough, projecting into the future can actually help us be more present now. If I’m feeling the invitation to check out or the invitation to not do what […]

Talking in or talking out?

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Talking in or talking out?   Are you talking yourself into something or are you talking yourself out of something? I can do this. ~ This is too hard. I love making calls. ~ They probably don’t want to hear from me. Healthy eating makes me feel so good. ~ Salad sucks. Bring it on. […]

Speed Bumps

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Speed Bumps We will hit some speed bumps in life (things not going the way we wanted them to, unforeseen complications etc.). Sure, we want to hit as few of them as possible and – it is inevitable that we will hit some. What matters most is what we do after we hit the speed […]

Dealing with distractions

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Dealing with distractions There are going to be distractions in our lives so, how do we deal with them? First of all, behaviors are always a result of the stories that we are telling ourselves. So if I find that I keep getting distracted from getting something done, there is probably a lousy story in […]

Broken Bottles

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Broken Bottles A bottle gets dropped and shatters. What do you do with the pieces? You could leave them on the floor, sweep them into a corner, make jewelry, make a mosaic, use them as a knife to do harm, use them as a knife to carve something beautiful . . . We’ve all been […]

Life Described by Legos

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Life Described by Legos Imagine that you are building a huge structure out of Legos and that you need to add another Lego piece every minute. Now imagine that every so often you hit a funk and get into an “I don’t feel like it” mode. In these times, you just add a random Lego […]

Business and profitability are not sinful or evil

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Business and profitability are not sinful or evil How did we end up here that so many people think that making a profit is somehow bad? This puts us in a bind – well either I can be successful in my business or I can be a good person but not both. Here’s an excerpt […]

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Either / Or Thinking I’ve run into either/or thinking quite a bit lately. Either I can have this or that but certainly not both. For example: I can build my business or have a great marriage and family life. Who says that you cannot have both? Whoever it is, they are lying. But this possibility […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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