Peace Love and Understanding

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Peace Love and Understanding  Elvis Costello (the musician) asks, “What’s so funny about peace, love, and understanding? The funny thing (as in bizarre) is how often we choose not to experience peace, love, and understanding. Rather than peace, we frequently choose upset and hanging on to hurt. Rather than love, we frequently choose judgment and […]

Escaping the pull of gravity

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Escaping the pull of gravity  Here’s a great question: Did I get outside of my comfort zone today? If the answer to this question is frequently “no” then don’t expect your outcomes to improve. If the answer is “yes”, give yourself a pat on the back and then get ready to do it again tomorrow. […]

After the fact

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After the fact  When we have that realization after the fact: I didn’t do what I wanted to in that situation I made a mistake I did that thing again There’s a better way to handle that Etc. What do we do next? Do we beat up on ourselves, or do we let it go? […]

True Thought?

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True Thought?  Just because we think something, doesn’t mean that it is true. We’d benefit a lot by being more curious about our thoughts. Is it true? Is it useful? Is it even mine? What do we do when we are listening to the radio in the car and a song comes on that we […]

MasterCard, Visa, or Discomfort

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MasterCard, Visa, or Discomfort  If we want to get from point A to point B via airplane, we will need a ticket. There are some costs involved in getting this ticket – time, effort, and money. If we want to go from where we are now to better results or a better life, there is […]

Sad Sack

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Sad Sack  Imagine putting on some dirty ripped clothes, smearing your face with grime, and adding a strong dose of odor. Then imagine deciding that this is the true you, your real identity. This is it! This is how you are going to live from now on. This does not sound like a good plan […]

Life Trajectory

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Life Trajectory  If we want to change the trajectory of our lives, we are going to have to get uncomfortable. We get to choose between the comfortableness and familiarity of the status quo or the discomfort and unfamiliarity of better. Which do you choose – in theory and in reality? Do theory and reality match? […]

Lies create compulsive behaviors

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Lies create compulsive behaviors  Often when we fall under the influence of a lie we then experience a compulsion to behave a certain way. And whenever we are compulsed, we don’t have the freedom to act in our best interest. Here are a few examples: “I owe them” can have us stay in a job […]

Reverse Cherry Picking

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Reverse Cherry Picking                                Cherry picking ~ selectively choosing the best or most beneficial from what is available. If I was picking cherries to make a cherry pie, I would pick the ripe ones. I would not pick the over-ripe, under-ripe, […]

The safety of playing small

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The safety of playing small  There’s a risk to setting big goals. There’s a risk to showing up. There’s a risk to going for it. There’s a risk to praying for miracles. The risk is that if it does not happen we will be forced to do some introspection, we will be forced to take […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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