Logic vs love

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Logic vs love  People are seldom logiced into change. People are often loved into change. Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke to you, forward it to someone who would benefit from this message. Even better, invite them to subscribe. Help me in my mission to help people to […]

We were created to . . .

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We were created to . . .  We were created to love, not to defend ourselves. Life is so much better when we live this way rather than caught up in a petty little ball of misery making it “all about me”. Love is always the appropriate response. Hate, harsh judgment, disapproval, and the like […]

Ego test

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Ego test  Any time that we feel hurt, we are living out of our ego. Ego has us take things personally, worry about what others think about us, and think that there’s a position we need to defend. This is not a good strategy for happiness, for success, or for peace of mind. Much Love, […]

What are we relying on?

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What are we relying on?  When we are relying on ourselves and our limitations, it is scary to get out of our comfort zone. We don’t know what will happen. The outcome is uncertain, unpredictable, and unfamiliar. The situation can be bigger than we think we are. However, it does not have to be this […]

Ouch and breathe

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Ouch and breathe   I got a massage today and oh-boy did he work some trigger points. Our natural response is to feel the pain and pull away or tighten up. But if we do that, the muscle will stay locked up longer and the pain will last longer too. Instead, we need to act […]

Sticks and stones

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Sticks and stones  Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. But often, words do hurt us. Any time that this is the case, it means that we have become confused about our identity, that we have forgotten our worth as a human being. Somebody’s opinion never determines our worth. […]


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Listening  About two weeks ago, my mom called me to tell me that her friend had passed away. Right away, without thinking, I asked her if she wanted me to go to the funeral service with her. I didn’t have a good reason for asking. Mom’s friend was not a part of my life. But, […]

What would happen . . .

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What would happen . . .  What would happen if everyone made a point of uplifting, inspiring, or supporting at least one person every single day? The only way to know for sure what would happen is for each of us to start doing this today. Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if […]

Our starting point determines our outcome

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Our starting point determines our outcome  If our starting point is something lousy like: I cannot do this. I’m not worthy. This is too hard. I’m destined to be mediocre. Good things don’t happen to me. Etc. Than an undesirable outcome is all but guaranteed. Oftentimes the first step to success is in upgrading our […]

Moving cows and changing the world

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Moving cows and changing the world  Let’s start with a disclaimer: I am not a cow scientist so this could be inaccurate. When cows move, they don’t have a big planning meeting first to determine the optimal direction. Instead, one cow starts moving. Then another cow sees the first cow moving and thinks, “hey (not […]

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