Being present by projecting into the future

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Being present by projecting into the future Be present. Be here now. Live in the present. We’ve heard this wise advice many times in many ways. Interestingly enough, projecting into the future can actually help us be more present now. If I’m feeling the invitation to check out or the invitation to not do what […]

Cigarette Ghost

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Cigarette Ghost Unfortunately, there’s not a ghost that follows us around and burns our arms with a cigarette every time we think our crappy highly repetitive thoughts. If there was, we’d quickly connect the dots that these thoughts are very painful and in no way make our lives better (in fact, they make life much […]

Getting Paid

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Getting Paid   Say out loud, “getting paid” and notice how that feels. Does it bring up anything for you?   There’s a lot of potential head trash around getting paid: Not okay to get paid for doing something I love Not okay to get paid for using my gifts Accepting praise, appreciation, and approval […]

Designed to contribute

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Designed to contribute I believe that every human is designed to contribute to others, to make a difference, and to be of value to others. This is where true happiness and well-being show up. What do you think would happen to the quality of your life if you intended to be of value to anyone […]

When the numbers are down

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When the numbers are down   Traditional sales tell us that when our numbers are down, we need to step up our activity. We need to step up our doing. Traditional life strategies tell us that when things are not going the way we want; we need to do more. We need to step up […]

Talking in or talking out?

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Talking in or talking out?   Are you talking yourself into something or are you talking yourself out of something? I can do this. ~ This is too hard. I love making calls. ~ They probably don’t want to hear from me. Healthy eating makes me feel so good. ~ Salad sucks. Bring it on. […]


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Allow Imagine for a moment what it would be like if you could allow yourself to be truly supported and if you could allow for things to be easy. When we are not fully open to being supported, we inhibit the people around us from being their best and doing their best. We create our […]

It is always about the stories

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It is always about the stories   I’ve talked about stories many times and it is such an important topic that it is worth talking about again. I had a group coaching call today and every issue that we addressed (procrastination, lack of consistency, follow up challenges, hesitancy to ask more from life since it […]

In Lieu of Money

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In Lieu of Money Sometimes at a non-conscious level, we are willing to accept praise, appreciation, gratitude, and knowing we made a difference as a form of payment instead of money. A much better strategy is to receive those things and get paid too! It is a darn good thing to get paid for serving, […]

Speed Bumps

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Speed Bumps We will hit some speed bumps in life (things not going the way we wanted them to, unforeseen complications etc.). Sure, we want to hit as few of them as possible and – it is inevitable that we will hit some. What matters most is what we do after we hit the speed […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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