I received an email today in response to Monday’s “Pay It Forward” email. My friend shared how someone recently told her, “I usually give and give and I have decided that I can’t just keep helping people without getting something for me.” This made me think of Zig Ziglar’s famous saying, “You will get all you […]
Goals vs Guidance
Goals are good but not at the expense of ignoring or tuning out guidance. Guidance is God, Spirit, your soul whispering to you. When this happens, it pays to listen. Much love, Jonathan Know someone else who would enjoy a daily dose? Here is the subscription link bit.ly/1cwK52J The Law of Attraction […]
Appreciating Small Miracles
Life is so much richer and fuller when we take the time to first recognize and then appreciate the small miracles that show up in our lives all the time – the synchronicities, the coincidence, the reaffirmings, and the signs. Albert Einstein said it so well, “There are two ways to live: you can live […]
Broken Promises
We are the sum total of all our vibrations ~ positive and negative. And, chances are very good that you are holding on to some hurt from past broken promises that brings your overall vibration down and consequently degrades your field of attraction. We always have the choice to let go. Over the past few […]
Sabine Meet Mark Twain
I’m Not Ready But It Is Time
The Illusion of Time Management
People often talk about time management but we really cannot manage time. You cannot bank the time you saved today and have 24 hours and 45 minutes tomorrow. You cannot make the clock speed up or slow down. However, there are other things that we can manage. Priority Management: Are you spending your time on […]
Formula For Personal Growth
Notice, Upgrade, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat #1 Notice habitual results, lousy thoughts, dis-empowering stories, and limiting beliefs. #2 Use your consciousness upgrading tools on what you noticed. #3 Repeat this on a daily basis. Much love, Jonathan Know someone else who would enjoy a daily dose? Here is the subscription link bit.ly/1cwK52J The Law […]
John F. Kennedy famously said, “My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” So often people fall into the trap of thinking that someone owes them something – gratitude, respect, appreciation, support, recognition, opportunity – or maybe that life or God owes them […]