I changed my razor blade the other day and – oh my gosh! – My face almost shaved itself. It was so easy and fast.
Because it happens in such little increments, I didn’t realize just how dull the blade had become.
This is a pretty good metaphor for life. Lots of little things happen that we hold on to (think of each one as a small ball and chain) and after a while we feel lethargic, uninspired, and don’t want to be in action.
If we change the razor blade / let go of all those balls and chains, the change can be pretty dramatic.
Chances are good that if you’ve got some resistance to doing the things you need to do, you have a bunch of balls and chains that you are dragging around.
We can easily let go of all those balls and chains by using consciousness upgrading tools like: Sedona Method, tapping, SMRT (Shah Manske Release Technique), Manske 5-Organ Technique, reframing, what if, and many others.
Afterwards, we will feel much lighter, more inspired, and have increased desire to do the things we need to do.
I highly recommend that you set some time aside every week and do a negative feeling inventory and letting go session. Check in – do I have any frustration? Yes, then use your favorite tool and let go of that. Any shame? Any guilt? Any anger? Etc.
I’ve got an appointment booked with myself every Friday morning for the rest of the year to do an emotional inventory and let go of all the balls and chains that I have accumulated over the week.
Much love,
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