I heard a great question today ~ “I’ve done a lot of letting go work – tapping, Sedona, etc. around being able to find good people for my business. But, it doesn’t seem to stick. What’s up with that?”
Usually when this happens, it means that we need to go deeper.
Here’s a metaphor: If I’m in an accident and I have a broken arm and am gushing blood from a big cut, they will ignore the broken arm until they have taken care of the more serious issue. It doesn’t do me any good to have my arm in a cast if I die from blood loss.
Not being able to find good people is the broken arm. The more serious injury is “I don’t deserve to succeed.”
That’s the deeper level where this person needs to do some letting go work. As long as the “don’t deserve to succeed” thing is there, the work around finding good people won’t last.
How can you find good people if you don’t deserve to succeed?
At these times, we need to go deeper. And at the deepest level, it always comes down to us not fully loving, accepting, and approving of ourselves exactly as we are.
Much Love,
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photo credit: holding onto the balloons of awesomeness : east village, manhattan, new york city (2013) via photopin (license)
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