What if there is enough time!
People often have head trash that there is not enough time.
As soon as you buy into “there’s not enough time”, you enter into scarcity consciousness.
As soon as you buy into “there’s not enough time”, you experience stress and anxiety which has your brain work less effectively which decreases your productivity which means that you don’t get near as much done thus creating a self-fulfilling prophecy that there is not enough time.
As soon as you buy into “there’s not enough time”, you edge God out (ego). This is another form of trying to control the “how” ~ (what you want is your job but how is God’s job). This story limits possibility and limits the avenues for good to flow into our lives. When there is enough time, far more miracles, coincidences, and synchronicities show up in our lives.
As soon as you buy into “there’s not enough time”, you leave the present and are attempting to live in the future. This just stresses you out. The deeper you breathe, the more present you are and when we are present, there is enough time. Take a few slow deep relaxing breaths and notice how your perception of time changes.
What if there is enough time! What if there is all the time in the world!
Much Love,
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