I had a big a-ha today. It is not okay for me to be hurt or feel hurt. (Kind of a guy thing but also kind of a human thing.)
But here’s the thing, when I don’t ignore it but actually tune in, my shoulder does hurt. And of course I’ve been hurt many times in my life – physically, emotionally, and mentally.
If I cannot even admit that I’m hurt, or even allow for the possibility that I can be hurt, than how can I possibly let go of my hurt. My only option is to repress it. Ignoring and letting go are not the same thing.
This, of course, causes lots of problems – physical, mental, emotional. Plus we are the sum total of all our vibrations, all of our feelings. So, this lowers my overall state which makes me less magnetic to my good and my life less enjoyable.
It is so important for us to let go of this sort of stuff. We all have repressed hurt and the more of that we let go of, the lighter we get. (Hurt = shame, not belonging, inferiority, guilt, disappointment, disapproval, etc.)
Second thought: Do you define yourself by your hurts or by your magnificence? Most people define themselves by their hurts.
Much Love,
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photo credit: A lot like LOVE. via photopin (license)
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