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There is so much needless suffering in our world.

There’s an old saying that pain is inevitable but suffering is optional. Suffering is a choice ~ a choice about what we focus on, what we give our attention to, how we talk to ourselves, the stories we tell ourselves, our willing to be hurt and offended, our willingness to nurse grudges and embrace upsets.

We choose suffering over and over again.

A change of perspective can either take away suffering or create suffering. The Christmas classic, It’s a Wonderful Life, is a great example. The main character, George, is suffering so badly that he’s thinking about taking his own life. Then through the help of an angel he gets another perspective and he sees just how wonderful and fulfilling his life actually is. None of his circumstances changed but his perspective did.

So, what can we do about all this needless and senseless suffering in our world?

#1 Drastically cut down on our personal suffering. Become an expert at letting go, forgiving, and not taking things personally. Make happiness and joy a daily priority. When we do this, we lead by example. Since suffering is very contagious, we are not spreading suffering germs everywhere we go.

#2 When we observe others suffering, stay out of it. Joining them in their misery does not help them (or us). If we suffer because they are suffering, it quickly becomes a mess. Adding darkness to darkness does not create light. The only way to create light is to add light to darkness.

Since suffering is optional, let’s decline that option!

Much Love,

 I write these Daily Doses because I know that my content does make a difference and helps people live better lives. So, if you know someone who would benefit from today’s thoughts, please pass this on. Thanks and gratitude in advance! 

photo credit: Shawna & Stephanie via photopin (license)

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