Imagine that you are hiking up a mountain and that the path runs into a cliff that you need to climb. But, that cliff looks scary. So, you decide to take a little break, drink some water, and eat a granola bar.
You walk back over to the cliff but it still looks scary. So, you find a comfortable spot to sit down and contemplate the cliff.
You repeat this cycle of approach – retreat – contemplation a few more times. Finally you decide that tomorrow is your day to climb the cliff and you head down the mountain.
Day after day you get up to the cliff and then the same pattern repeats itself. Meanwhile you’ve seen many others climb the cliff and you have heard them talk about how beautiful the view is from the top of the mountain.
If you want to see the view from the top, sooner or later you are going to have to climb that cliff. If you wait until it doesn’t seem scary, you will either never see the top or it won’t be any time soon.
Much love,
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photo credit: kevin dooley via photopin cc
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