Smart Brain Dumb Brain

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Last week my daughter had a spelling and vocabulary test. That morning she was reviewing for her test and realized that she was not as prepared as she thought she was.

She got very stressed out. Tears were flowing. And, she was trying to cram the info into her head.

Here’s the thing though, when our brain is stressed out like that it becomes far less effective. It is almost impossible to learn in that state.

So, I told her that the first thing she needed to do was to stop studying and get happy – whatever it takes, get happy. Otherwise, that studying will be of no benefit.

It took her a little bit but she was able to get happy and in the process turn her “smart” brain back on. She ended up getting a 100% on the test.

Do you ever do this – use your “dumb” brain to try and do better. In those situations, job #1 is to get your happy on!

Much love,

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