Lousy Mind Readers
In The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz tells us to not make any assumptions. That is great advice that we tend to do a poor job of following.
We think we know what is going on with people. We think that we can read their minds. When in truth we don’t have a clue.
This has us assume things like: They wouldn’t be interested in my product or service. They don’t need my opportunity. They don’t care about me because they haven’t responded to my communication. They are mad at me. Etc.
So often these thoughts are totally off base or they have some circumstances going on in their lives that we are completely unaware of or . . .
Instead of using our highly inaccurate mindreading abilities, we would be far better served by simply asking and then finding out from them.
Much Love,
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photo credit: Before you go, can you read my mind? via photopin (license)
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