I saw a post on facebook earlier today where a guy was ridiculing a belief system (I’m not even going to go into the details). He basically said that you would have to be stupid to believe this.
I’m curious about what is going on with this guy that he needs to impersonally lash out and offend a whole bunch of people – letting them know that they are wrong and stupid for their beliefs and that he knows better.
What does he hope to gain out of this? Does he think this will make him feel better about himself? Does he get to look cool? Is he beyond clueless and doesn’t even realize he attempted to offend a lot of people? Is he feeling hurt and therefore wants to hurt others? Who knows?
It clearly is not love running the show here.
He is welcome to his own beliefs (of course). And, different is not wrong or bad, it is just different! The more we can love, accept, and appreciate diversity, the more we can do the same for ourselves.
Not right, not wrong, not good, not bad just different. Wouldn’t it be great if we remembered that!
Much love,
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