Definite consequences to feeling stressed and rushed
A big trap people fall into is the story that we don’t have enough time. This automatically puts us into scarcity consciousness. We will then naturally feel stressed, pressured, and rushed. And there are serious negative consequences to feeling this way.
When we are feeling this way, our brains processes info slower, we are less accurate, and less creative. These things will force us to be less productive and less effective thus making worse use of our time.
There is also the law of attraction factor in play here. What we put out is what comes back to us so when we are in action from a low energy state, we attract back to us results that are far less fruitful, far less magnificent, than they could be.
Einstein said that the most important decision we will ever make is whether we believe we live in a friendly universe or a hostile universe. We can substitute “whether we do have enough time or whether there is not enough time” and his quote makes just as much sense.
What if there is enough time!!!
Much Love,
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