You are not the karma police Want to guaranty pain and suffering in your life? Put yourself in the position of making sure that people get what is coming to them – especially the negative consequences. Track this. Pay attention to it. Obsess over it. Whether we call this just rewards, consequences, what goes around […]
The habit of being upset
The habit of being upset Many people spend a lot of their time being upset, hurt, irritated, offended, angry, disappointed, frustrated, etc. These ways of being are nothing more than a habit – a habit that is detrimental to happiness, well-being, and success. The good news is that we can change our habits. Much Love, […]
Unpayable parking ticket
But what about me
But what about me The “what about me” attitude is so common in our world. Any time that we are in this thinking, we are in scarcity thinking. When we also look out for the interests of others, we automatically embrace abundance. Much Love, Jonathan Help me out please ~ if this Daily Dose spoke […]
I am not the boss of you
Wasting energy
Wasting energy People so often fall into the trap of regretting the way things are and imagining the way things might have been. This is a total waste of energy and creates an immense amount of suffering. Instead, accept that you are where you are, and that things are the way they are. Then turn […]
Dealing with circumstances
Dealing with circumstances We all get to deal with unpleasant circumstances from time to time. However, we have a choice as to how we deal with these circumstances. We can go into a victim mode and lament about how unfair it is that this happened to me. This path has lots of pain and suffering […]
Asking and getting
Good reasons and prison guards
Good reasons and prison guards No matter how good our reasons are for not liking someone. We pay the price for holding on to that opinion. It is impossible to hold on to a harsh judgement without experiencing constriction in our own energy which means that we will experience that constriction somewhere in our lives. […]