Counting Axe Swings

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Counting Axe Swings It isn’t about how many times we actually swing the axe. It is about how big of a pile of fire wood we create. A dull axe doesn’t split very much wood. People often forget this and get caught up in the trap of busy-ness. They don’t make the time for self-care, […]

Let’s start with a lie

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Let’s start with a lie I listened to a voice mail this morning. The message started out with a lie. She said that I had been referred to her and that if I was interested in a program that would generate thousands of dollars of income ~ and that’s when I hung up. Of course […]

Owning our value and expertise

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Owning our value and expertise  I got a call today from a past client. She was very excited because she had collected two nice checks in the last week for something that she used to do for free. She had learned to appropriately value her own expertise and experience. She had learned that she is […]

Puncture wounds

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Puncture wounds This year for the first time, they mulched the trees around the sand volleyball courts with wood chips. Of course the kids bring the wood chips into the sand. So every time that I play, I clear wood chips out of the sand. On Saturday I gave a handful of rescued wood chips […]

The anesthesia of engagement

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The anesthesia of engagement Yesterday was hot. By 10:30 the sand at the volleyball courts was so hot that it hurt the bottoms of my feet. However as soon as the ball was in play, I became oblivious to the hot sand. Then once the play was over and I was waiting for the start […]

Right or Happy?

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Right or Happy? You know the old saying – would you rather be right or be happy? What would be the impact in our lives if we chose happy more often? What would our world be like if people defaulted to happy? The “juice” that we get from being right does not make our lives […]

Circus expectations

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Circus expectations We saw Toruk by Cirque Du Soleil this evening. Toruk trades the breathtaking acrobatics of every other Cirque Du Soleil performance that I’ve seen for breathtaking special effects and set design. Toruk was almost like a play with some acrobatics thrown in. Based on my previous experiences, it was not at all what […]

The inner critic

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The inner critic Your inner critic – that voice that tells you that you should be doing better, should be farther along, should have already done that, should be perfect, that you aren’t living up to the ideal – actually has a positive intention. It wants to keep us safe. If we do everything perfectly […]

It really is about me

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It really is about me People often get tripped up around the idea that it is not okay to have it be about me. This can prevent people from asking for help, receiving assistance, and going for it. And this is a bunch of garbage. It is okay to be about me. In fact, it […]

Imaginary Debt

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Imaginary Debt People often mistakenly think that they owe someone something which keeps them stuck where they are. For example, I cannot quit my job even though I don’t want to be here because I owe them for hiring me in the first place. No I don’t owe them anything. The ledger is balanced. I […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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