Parrot Coaching If I got a parrot and taught it to say, “Based on these results, what must you believe?”, the parrot would be able to do part of my job for me. Our behaviors (no matter how strange) and our results (no matter how disappointing) always make perfectly good sense when we understand the […]
Unfortunately Amazing
Unfortunately Amazing It is amazing how quick we are to get down on ourselves. What a ridiculous habit we have learned! We are human – we will make mistakes, not notice things, and drop the ball. But none of those things should diminish our self-worth as a human being. What if we learned instead to […]
Crocodile Water aka how our brains work
Crocodile Water aka how our brains work Imagine that you live in the jungle and you have to walk to the river every day to fetch water. There is a well-worn path to the watering hole. However, the water there isn’t the clearest or the freshest. Even worse, there is a crocodile that lives there […]
Sooner or later you have to actually go out for a run
Sooner or later you have to actually go out for a run I can do all kinds of research on running – best shoes, best training strategies, biographies of great runners, pre and post run nutrition . . . And none of this is an adequate substitute for actually lacing up my shoes and going for […]
Sprinklers and Insurance
Sprinklers and Insurance Sprinklers and insurance – how do those two go together? A friend of a friend is an insurance guy. He also really enjoys doing lawn sprinkler work. It is like a paid hobby for him. And, the sprinkler work generates a lot of insurance business for him. So why am I sharing […]
Bitter to Bittersweet
Bitter to Bittersweet As I mentioned in the last Dose, my daughter’s pet rabbit died. This experience has been a great reminder for me and a great teaching opportunity for my daughter that we ALWAYS get to choose the direction of our thoughts. If she thinks about, “why did this happen?” and thoughts of that […]
Fog I have been on top of the pass in Rocky Mountain National Park when the sky is clear. The views are amazing. Yesterday there was fog and there were no majestic panoramic views. When there is fog, our ability to see is severely compromised. So often people are stuck in a fog of emotion […]
Short term courage to avoid long term pain
Short term courage to avoid long term pain How many problems have we caused ourselves by choosing short-term comfort over doing what really needed to be done? In the short term it is far easier to not have that difficult conversation, to not stand up for ourselves or ask for what we want, to not […]