Of course taking action is vitally important! And, how we take that action matters too (a lot).
If I make my phone calls from a low energy, unexcited, or unenthusiastic place, they won’t have the impact I’m looking for.
Conversely, if I make my calls from a high energy, excited, and enthusiastic place, they will be more productive and produce a bigger impact.
And, if I don’t make my calls at all – nothing happens (again action is important).
Getting to that high energy place is really quite easy. We just have to take a few seconds and actually do it.
Here are a couple of examples that do it for me pretty much every time:
- Double fist pump with a “Yeah”
- Telling myself, “I am all kinds of awesome!”
- Telling myself, “Time to go change some lives!”
- Tapping the center of my chest, the heart center, and then smiling a great big smile
- Busting a quick dance move
Feel free to use any of these or find your own.
Whether your energy is up or down is always a choice that you get to make for yourself.
Gas sticks are much more fun than water sticks.
Much love,
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photo credit: katherine lynn via photopin cc
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