Optimism is a great thing and . . . optimism combined with insanity, doing the same things over and over while expecting a different result, produces delusion which is not a great thing.
I have an acquaintance who is living in delusion. He’s very optimistic that his business is about to turn the corner and really take off. But, it isn’t. I don’t say that because I’m being negative. I say that because his business has been about to take off for well over twenty years now. Furthermore, he’s not doing any personal growth work to uncover and then upgrade his limiting beliefs that are creating his experience. Instead, he is deluding himself that things are going to change without him doing anything to make them change. Meanwhile he is living far beyond his means and is being supported almost entirely by his mom.
This “but someday it will change optimism” is dangerous stuff.
For things to change, we have to change and that means doing something different (in actions, attitude, and beliefs) today.
Someday is always at least one day away. It never gets here. Things won’t be better someday unless you do something today!
Much love,
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