Problem focus or creation focus

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Problem focus or creation focus 
It is an easy trap to fall into – fixing the problems and issues so that once they are fixed, we can move on to what’s next, we can move on to bigger and better things. However, there are 4 major problems with this strategy.
#1 What we focus on expands so when we focus on problems we tend to create more problems. We become more magnetic to problems.
#2 We are human, we will make mistakes. And, stuff happens in life. So, there is no magical place on down the road where we are beyond problems and issues.
#3 This has us living life on the lay away plan – where we cannot have goodness, fulfillment, success, happiness, etc. now. Instead, we can have it later once we have fixed a problem. But since new problems will crop up then we never get to have the good stuff.
#4 Fixing problems just isn’t very inspiring. It is heavy and tiring.
So instead of focusing on fixing our problems and issues, we are much better served by focusing on the future we want to create.
Paradoxically, when we start to do this, many of our problems and issues dissolve on their own. The ones that don’t will require a little bit of our attention but even then, we want to keep the vast majority of our attention on what it is that we want to create.
Much Love,
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photo credit: VeRoNiK@ GR Such a lovely day in London! via photopin (license)

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