The inner critic
Your inner critic – that voice that tells you that you should be doing better, should be farther along, should have already done that, should be perfect, that you aren’t living up to the ideal – actually has a positive intention. It wants to keep us safe. If we do everything perfectly then we will be loved, accepted, approved of, and therefore safe.
However, the inner critic’s strategy of nagging and criticizing is completely defective.
The next time you notice the inner critic voicing its opinion, tell it, “This is not useful! If you really want to be useful go magnetize some new clients into my business (or something like that).”
Imagine that you are trying to cook but your kid is hanging onto your leg and thinking that he is helping. You would probably turn to him and tell him that if he really wanted to help with dinner he should go set the table, or chop some vegetables. But, hanging onto your leg is not helping.
Treat your inner critic the same way – lovingly but firmly and give it a better strategy for helping.
Much Love,
photo credit: fight club via photopin (license)
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