Stories and Focus
A friend of mine is starting a 30 day cleanse. If she focuses on all the foods she cannot eat and tells herself stories of lack and deprivation – she will suffer a lot, become much less likely to successfully complete the program, and that counter-intent and resistance will make the program far less effective than it can potentially be.
On the other hand, if she focuses on the joy of eating healthy and on how good that makes her feel and tells herself useful stories (I’m getting healthier, I’m getting slimmer, healthy food can be delicious, I’ve got this, what if this can be easy and enjoyable, giving my body what it actually needs = loving myself, etc.) – then the program will be much easier, much more enjoyable, and much more effective.
This is an easy-to-see example of the choices that are always in front of us. What am I focusing on? What stories am I telling myself? Are the choices I am currently making contributing to me or contributing to my suffering?
Much Love,
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photo credit: the juice is loose! via photopin (license)
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