Restorative and Expansive

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Restorative and Expansive 
Whether we call it personal growth work, law of attraction work, or renewing our minds – there are two types of work, restorative and expansive.
An effective program includes both.
Restorative work is about uncovering the lies, upgrading the limiting beliefs, and breaking free from our “less than” identity. We are working to restore the identity that we had at birth – much loved children of a loving God, worthy of the best life has to offer, immensely capable, and with massive potential.
Restorative work is often accomplished by using letting go tools like: tapping, Sedona Method, the clearing statement, forgiveness, and so many more.
Expansive work is about expanding what is possible for us, expanding what we expect from life, expanding our capacity to receive goodness in our lives, and becoming the person we want to be.
Some of the ways we can do expansive work include: visualization, affirmations, what if’s, journaling, gratitude, deliberately getting outside of our comfort zones, doing the beneficial things even when we don’t feel like it, and more.
I invite you to make sure that you do some restoring and some expanding every day!
Much Love,


I write these Daily Doses because I know that my content does make a difference and helps people live better lives. So, if you know someone who would benefit from today’s thoughts, please pass this on. Thanks and gratitude in advance!

photo credit: symphony of love George Vanderman There is nothing that can have a more powerful effect on your mental health than the spirit of thankfulness via photopin (license)

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