Poking holes in the other side
of the life raft

of the life raft
Imagine being in a life raft, poking holes in the other side of the life raft, and then laughing because those people are getting wet.
That would be a very short sighted strategy.
So, how often have we applied this strategy?
Have you ever taken secret delight when a significant other, a business partner, a family member, or a friend encounters some turbulence – stumbles, has a problem, gets upset, has a setback, etc.? I have L – which means I’m laughing as I poke holes in the life raft – forgetting that we are in this together.
What about politics (and am I brave enough to bring this up)? Bush bumper sticker “Somewhere in Texas a village is missing its idiot”. Obama bumper sticker “He’s not my president”. And all that has happened before, during, and after this last election. In my opinion, we are drawing apart as a nation rather than drawing together.
When we engage in divisive behavior in any area of our lives, we are poking holes in the life raft, forgetting that we are in this together.
This makes me think of a couple of old sayings – “divide and conquer” and “united we stand, divided we fall”.
Let’s stop poking holes in the various life rafts we are on and see what happens. We are in this together. What if instead we used those energies to support, encourage, and uplift others.
Much Love,
I write these Daily Doses because I know that my content does make a difference and helps people live better lives. So, if you know someone who would benefit from today’s thoughts, please pass this on. Thanks and gratitude in advance!
photo credit: woodleywonderworks huge raft flip in ottawa river via photopin (license)
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