Personal growth gone awry

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Some of the ideas in personal growth have been taken far too far and consequently produce some negative consequences ~ specifically: the rule that we have to always be positive, and the idea that negative emotions are wrong and we shouldn’t have them.

The all-out commitment to positivity often results in denial. And, there is a huge difference between letting go and ignoring. So often the negativity simply gets repressed and pushed down by the quick switch to the positive. But we are the sum total of all our vibrations so that repressed negativity plays havoc with our ability to get what we want. Consequently, the need for positivity keeps us stuck right where we are.

It is okay to experience negativity for short periods of time – especially in the process of letting it go. It is part of being human.

Also, there is an appropriate time and place for every emotion – positive and negative.

Emotions simply mean that something is important to us and ultimately offer us an opportunity to learn about ourselves, grow, and oftentimes to let go of limiting thoughts and perspectives.

Think of a thunderstorm. They are intense while happening but afterwards the sun comes out again and everything seems refreshed and cleaner. If that thunderstorm gets stuck, then we have flooding and all kinds of damage.

When we repress the emotions (because we are not supposed to be having them), the thunderstorm gets stuck, and negative consequences are sure to follow.

Emotions are part of being human.

Much Love,

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