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One of the important things to remember with visualization (and affirmations) is that the feelings are the most important part.

So often times when people visualize something that seems to be too big of a stretch for them, it creates feelings like doubt and disbelief and brings their energy down.

When this happens then the practice of visualization actually pushes us farther away from what we want rather than moving us closer. The negative feelings are what end up getting reinforced.

In these situations, we can either do some letting go work on the limiting beliefs that don’t allow us to stretch too far, or we can scale back the visualization.

Scaling back the visualization allows us to still effectively visualize while gently stretching our field of possibility.

For example, if money is really tight, then visualizing making $250k a year could blow your circuits. Instead you could simply visualize going to the grocery store and buying exactly what you want rather than price shopping. You could visualize buying the steak rather than the hamburger and then feeling really peaceful and happy about it.

In this example, being able to grocery shop freely would indicate that you are headed in the right direction and then as appropriate you could stretch your vision.

Remember, it is the feelings that matter the most.

Much Love,

I write these Daily Doses because I know that my content does make a difference and helps people live better lives. So, if you know someone who would benefit from today’s thoughts, please pass this on. Thanks and gratitude in advance! 

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