Optimism is a good thing. But when optimism becomes mandatory, when people have it that there is no other option but to be optimistic, optimism can cause real problems.
There is a fine line between optimism and delusion. When we have to be optimistic, we cannot see what we need to see. We cannot see clearly. We are deluded.
I spent a lot of years in delusion, optimistically thinking that I was just about to “turn the corner” and that things were about to get better. But the reality of my life was that it wasn’t changing. I was treading water at best. My bank account, my client base, my happiness, my relationship, health – none of those things had improved at all in years.
I had to let go of my ferocious optimism and get real and honest with myself. What I was doing wasn’t working and I needed to start doing some things differently – and more importantly, I needed to start being someone different. I had to deal with what was rather than some fanciful optimism-fueled delusion of how I hoped they were.
The day I did that was the day my life changed!!!
Optimism is a great thing – until it becomes mandatory.
Much Love,
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photo credit: Better Future Ahead via photopin (license)
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