On My Own 

Imagine a toddler trying to walk across some uneven ground. He or she is sure to fall.
Then imagine that same toddler holding an adult’s hand and walking over that uneven ground. He or she can do it now with this assist.
We often think that we are on our own and that we have to do it by ourselves. This is the hard, scary and ineffective way.
We are not on our own. There are people that care for us, love us, believe in us, and want to support us. There are people who will hold our hand but, we have to allow this, we have to be open to receive this.
And what about God supporting us? Do we allow that?
Einstein spoke about this when he said that the most important decision we will ever make is whether we believe we life in a friendly world or a hostile world.
Unfortunately, most of us spend far too much time in the hostile world.
Instead, remember that we are not on our own! Then allow and receive.
Much Love,
I write these Daily Doses because I know that my content does make a difference and helps people live better lives. So, if you know someone who would benefit from today’s thoughts, please pass this on. Thanks and gratitude in advance!
photo credit: Photosightfaces Leading the way via photopin (license)
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