OK for others to contribute to me

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Say out loud, “It is okay for others to contribute to me.” Then rate how true that feels. For most people, this does not feel very true. Some people can hardly even say the words.

We’ve got head trash about what it means to ask for help and about allowing others to contribute to us. We take it as proof that we are not enough. “If I was really good enough, I wouldn’t need any assistance but since I do need some assistance that proves I’m not good enough.” Yikes!


“God uses people’s arms to hug us.” Author unknown

 Have you ever gotten a check in the mail that was signed by God? Has an elk ever rang your doorbell to see if there’s anything he can do for you? Of course not! Good comes into our lives from God through other people. So when it is not okay for others to contribute to us, then we jam up the delivery system. We block our good.

Contribution is the hand of God in action. God arranged all of the many details to put you and the person who wants to contribute to you in the same place at the same time so that this can happen. It is a logistical miracle. So when you don’t graciously and gratefully receive, then God did all of that work for nothing.

So often people are more than happy to contribute to someone else but squeamish about allowing others to contribute to them. The thing to remember is that contribution is a win-win event. The very act of receiving instantly gives back to the other person. Just as you feel good about yourself when you contribute to someone else, other people feel good about themselves when they contribute to you. So when you don’t graciously and gratefully receive, you rip other people off from the opportunity to experience well-being. Looking at it from this perspective, receiving well is actually an act of kindness.

People often pray, “God use me today.” Consider this: what if the way God wants to use you today is to put you in a position where someone can contribute to you so that the other person can feel good about him or herself.

What if it is okay to be contributed to.

Much love,

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photo credit: Thamiress via photopin cc

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