Fix vs. Create

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A focus on the past leads to “I need to fix.” This automatically puts us into resistance and what we resist persists.  A focus on the future leads to “What do I want to create?” This puts us into possibility thinking.  When we focus on the past, then the past usually becomes predictive of our […]

A New Perspective Is Needed

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A New Perspective Is Needed   When we let ourselves off the hook by not doing the things we know are the “right” thing to do (e.g. exercising, eating healthy, having that difficult conversation, making phone calls etc.), we are not being kind to ourselves. We are not loving ourselves. Instead, we are hating on […]

Dealing With Uncertainty

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    A client asked me today, “How do you deal with uncertainty?” What a great question! We can go one of two directions with uncertainty: We can go numb, decrease our awareness, and become less present. Or, we can wake up and become more present. Here’s the thing ~ certainty is an illusion. There […]

Nothing To Prove

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Imagine how easy and relaxed life would be if you remembered that you are already good enough and consequently there is nothing to prove. You are already worthy of the best life has to offer ~ joy, happiness, success, wealth, abundance, connection, fulfillment etc. You were born that way!     Much love,   Jonathan […]

A few more thoughts on goals

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If your goal is a “have to” rather than a “want to”, it isn’t a goal. It is an obligation. When we operate out of obligation, we drain our energy, enthusiasm, and creativity. Plus it is painful. Don’t set goals to try and prove that you are good (or that you erroneously think will prove […]

Right or Happy

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Right or Happy   If you ask people whether they would rather be right or happy, they answer “happy”. But more often than not their behavior says otherwise. What’s up with our dire need to be right? It’s all based on the illusion that we are not enough and therefore cannot fully love, accept, and […]

How Do You Eat An Elephant?

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How Do You Eat An Elephant?     My daughter is a big Dr. Who fan. So, last night we went to Painting With A Twist to paint a Van Gogh-ish version of the Tardis. I said that I would be amazed if I ended up painting something that actually looked like the example painting. […]

Damaging Visualization

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Damaging Visualization   You have probably heard of the importance of visualizing. But did you know that there are two possible ways to visualize? And, one of these ways is useful and one of them is damaging. We can visualize from an associated perspective (from the view point of looking out of our own eyes) […]

Thrill Zone ~ Adventure Zone

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If you are still looking for a theme for 2015, might I recommend “embrace discomfort” or even “pursue discomfort”? What you want lies outside of your comfort zone. But most people are completely addicted to comfort and view discomfort as a bad thing. This puts them squarely in a catch-22. What if we do a […]

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The granddaddy of all head trash is, "I'm not enough." Reaching the point where you believe that you are enough is the biggest game-changer on the planet. I can help you get there.

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