Owning our value and expertise
I got a call today from a past client. She was very excited because she had collected two nice checks in the last week for something that she used to do for free.
She had learned to appropriately value her own expertise and experience. She had learned that she is indeed a big deal. Then she took that to the marketplace and got paid!
As so often happens in my business, these things show up in clusters. I also worked with a client this morning on owning that she is a big deal.
You are a big deal too. You have unique skills, talents, abilities, gifts, and experiences. You are talented, wonderful, amazing, and brilliant! We all are. The question is: are you going to let the world see this or hide behind some false modesty?
You can totally acknowledge your own big-dealness in a way that brings out the big-dealness in others, that gives others permission to do the same (acknowledge that they are a big deal too).
What if people started valuing themselves rather than discounting themselves!
Much Love,
photo credit: Hello My Name Is Growth via photopin (license)
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