Couples Money or a Colonoscopy
I got together with my friends, Chris and Marlow Felton, today. They wrote an amazing book, Couples Money.
We got to talking about how important it is for couples to be on the same page about money (80% plus of all divorces have a money component to them). But this is such a touchy subject that people don’t even know how to broach the subject much less have an actual conversation about it. It is often a taboo subject.
They often hear comments like, “Couple’s Money, isn’t that an oxymoron?”
This got me thinking about human behavior and how often we choose to avoid short term pain (e.g. having a difficult conversation) and in the process ensure long term pain and suffering (e.g. years and years of the same money fight with your spouse).
If we aren’t willing to experience some discomfort in the moment, we probably are not going to get what we want in the long run.
Much love,
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