This too shall pass 

“This too shall pass.” These are important words to remember to help us maintain perspective and peace of mind.
The low energy state we are in – this too shall pass.
The slump – this too shall pass.
The hurt and heart break – this too shall pass.
The high energy euphoric state we are in – this too shall pass.
The roll we are on – this too shall pass.
The heat wave or cold snap – this too shall pass
Etc. Etc. Etc.
We can experience a lot more peace of mind when we remember that all these states will pass. Then we don’t have to get too low with our lows – or too off center with our highs.
Just breathe and remember that this too shall pass.
Much Love,
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photo credit: inkknife_2000 (8 million views +) Beach Walk, La Jolla Cove, CA 9-17 via photopin (license)
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