The World Does Not Owe Us a Darn Thing

This belief, the world owes me, is incredibly damaging. It turns us into victims, waiting for an outside force to impact us rather than being creators and taking what we have and turning it into what we want. It is a scarcity mode of thinking. It has our happiness be dependent on an external happening rather than being a choice. It produces discontent. It sabotages both motivation and inspiration because we are waiting for the world to deliver.
The world does not owe us a darn thing!
However, we do owe the world a lot. We owe the world our best: our brilliance, our love, our solutions to challenges, our kindness, our support, our faith, our desire for transformation, our best efforts, our integrity, our compassion, and a better tomorrow.
President Kennedy once told us to not ask what America can do for us but to ask what we can do for America. We can take that much bigger. Don’t ask what the world can do for you, ask what you can do for the world! Then, do it!
Much Love,
photo credit: The National Archives UK <a href=”″>Hatless Jack</a> via <a href=””>photopin</a> <a href=””>(license)</a>
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