The opposite of maturity

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photo credit: marcoverch <a href="">Hand nimmt ein Schoko-Cupcake. Tisch mit Nachspeisen im Hintergrund</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>The Opposite of Maturity

If we use indulgence as the opposite of maturity, then maturity can be defined as our ability to make wise choices due to our ability to delay gratification.
Immaturity has us make a lot of poor choices because we want instant gratification without any thought to the long-term consequences.
This has us do things like:
  • Buy the thing we cannot afford and then end up paying double or more through credit card interest rather than saving up to buy the desired item.
  • Buy things we don’t need because we want them in the moment.
  • Eat that unhealthy food because it looks yummy.
  • Not exercise because we are not in the mood.
  • Not make those phone calls because we don’t feel like it.
  • And so on . . .

It is easier to act in a more mature fashion when we keep the long-term consequences and our long-term goals in mind.

I’ll make better choices with money when I remember that I have a savings goal that is important to me. I’ll make better choices when I remember that I want to live a long, healthy, and skinny life. I’ll make better choices when I remember my business growth goals.
And with all of these, we also need to remember why they are important.
Much Love,

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